Deployment Phase

The deployment phase of FUTURE-AI framework focuses on implementing and maintaining AI tools in real-world clinical settings through eight key recommendations that emphasize local validation, quality control, monitoring, and governance. The following table provides detailed operations and examples for evaluating local clinical validity (Universality 4), implementing quality control mechanisms (Traceability 3-6), providing user training (Usability 3), and ensuring regulatory compliance (General 5), with most recommendations being highly recommended for deployable tools compared to research applications, reflecting the critical importance of robust implementation and oversight in real-world healthcare settings.

Practical steps and examples to implement FUTURE-AI recommendations during deployment phase

Recommendations Operations Examples
Evaluate and demonstrate local clinical validity (universality 4) Test AI model using local data Data from local clinical registry
Identify factors that could affect AI tool’s local validity Local operators, equipment, clinical workflows, acquisition protocols
Assess AI tool’s integration within local clinical workflows AI tool’s interface aligns with hospital IT system or disrupts routine practice
Assess AI tool’s local practical utility and identify any operational challenges Time to operate, clinician satisfaction, disruption of existing operations
Implement adjustments for local validity Model calibration, fine-tuning, transfer learning
Compare performance of AI tool with that of local clinicians Side-by-side comparison, in silico trial
Define mechanisms for quality control of AI inputs and outputs (traceability 3) Implement mechanisms to identify erroneous input data Missing value or out-of-distribution detector, automated image quality assessment
Implement mechanisms to detect implausible AI outputs Postprocessing sanity checks, anomaly detection algorithm
Provide calibrated uncertainty estimates to inform on AI tool’s confidence Calibrated uncertainty estimates per patient or data point
Implement system for continuous quality monitoring Real time dashboard tracking data quality and performance metrics
Implement feedback mechanism for users to report issues Feedback portal enabling clinicians to report discrepancies or anomalies
Implement system for periodic auditing and updating (traceability 4) Define schedule for periodic audits Biannual or annual
Define audit criteria and metrics Accuracy, consistency, fairness, data security
Define datasets for periodic audits Newly acquired prospective dataset from local hospital
Implement mechanisms to detect data or concept drifts Detecting shifts in input data distributions
Assign role of auditor(s) for AI tool Internal auditing team, third party company
Update AI tool based on audit results Updating AI model, re-evaluating AI model, adjusting operational protocols, continuous learning
Implement reporting system from audits and subsequent updates Automatic sharing of detailed reports to healthcare managers and clinicians
Monitor impact of AI updates Impact on system performance and user satisfaction
Implement logging system for usage recording (traceability 5) Implement logging framework capturing all interactions User actions, AI inputs, AI outputs, clinical decisions
Define data to be logged Timestamp, user ID, patient ID (anonymised), action details, results
Implement mechanisms for data capture Software to automatically record every data and operation
Implement mechanisms for data security Encrypted log files, privacy preserving techniques
Provide access to logs for auditing and troubleshooting By defining authorised personnel, eg, healthcare or IT managers
Implement mechanism for end users to log any issues A user interface to enter information about operational anomalies
Implement log analysis Time series statistics and visualisations to detect unusual activities and alert administrators
Provide training (usability 3) Create user manuals User instructions, capabilities, limitations, troubleshooting steps, examples, and case studies
Develop training materials and activities Online courses, workshops, hands-on sessions
Use formats and languages accessible to intended end users Multiple formats (text, video, audio) and languages (English, Chinese, Swahili)
Customise training to all end user groups Role specific modules for specialists, nurses, and patients
Include training to enhance AI and health literacy On application specific AI concepts (eg, radiomics, explainability), AI driven clinical decision making
Identify and comply with applicable AI regulatory requirements (general 5) Engage regulatory experts to investigate regulatory requirements Regulatory consultants from intended local settings
Identify specific regulations based on AI tool’s intended markets FDA’s SaMD in the United States, MDR and AI Act in the EU
Identify specific requirements based on AI tool’s purpose De Novo classification (Class III)
Define list of milestones towards regulatory compliance MDR certification: technical verification, pivotal clinical trial, risk and quality management, postmarket follow-up
Establish mechanisms for AI governance (traceability 6) Assign roles for AI tool’s governance For periodic auditing, maintenance, supervision (eg, healthcare manager)
Define responsibilities for AI related errors Responsibilities of clinicians, healthcare centres, AI developers, and manufacturers
Define mechanisms for accountability Individual v collective accountability/liability, compensations, support for patients