Development Phase

The development phase of FUTURE-AI framework focuses on implementing the design specifications and requirements through five key recommendations that emphasize data collection, privacy, and technical implementation. The following table provides a comprehensive breakdown of these development phase recommendations, detailing specific operations and examples for each recommendation, including representative data collection (Robustness 2), collection of individual attributes (Fairness 2), data privacy and security measures (General 2), risk mitigation implementation (General 3), and human-AI interaction mechanisms (Usability 2).

Practical steps and examples to implement FUTURE-AI recommendations during development phase
Recommendations Operations Examples
Collect representative training dataset (robustness 2) Collect training data that reflect the demographic variations According to age, sex, ethnicity, socioeconomics
Collect training data that reflect the clinical variations Disease subgroups, treatment protocols, clinical outcomes, rare cases
Collect training data that reflect variations in real world practice Data acquisition protocols, data annotations, medical equipment, operational variations (eg, patient motion during scanning)
Artificially enhance the training data to mimic real world conditions Data augmentation, data synthesis (eg, low quality data, noise addition), data harmonisation, data homogenisation
Collect information on individuals’ and data attributes (fairness 2) Request approval for collecting data on personal attributes Sex, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status
Collect information on standard attributes of the individuals (if available and allowed) Sex, age, nationality, education
Include application specific information relevant for fairness analysis Skin colour, breast density, presence of implants, comorbidity
Estimate data distributions across subgroups Male v female, across ethnic groups
Collect information on data provenance Data centres, equipment characteristics, data preprocessing, annotation processes
Implement measures for data privacy and security (general 2) Implement measures to ensure data privacy and security Data deidentification, federated learning, differential privacy, encryption[
Implement measures against malicious attacks Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, regular security audits
Adhere to applicable data protection regulations General Data Protection Regulation, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Define suitable data governance mechanisms Access control, logging system
Implement measures against identified AI risks (general 3) Implement a baseline AI model and identify its limitations Bias, lack of generalisability
Implement methods to enhance robustness to real world variations (if needed) Regularisation, data augmentation, data harmonisation, domain adaptation
Implement methods to enhance generalisability across settings (if needed) Regularisation, transfer learning, knowledge distillation
Implement methods to enhance fairness across subgroups (if needed) Data resampling, bias free representation, equalised odds postprocessing
Establish mechanisms for human-AI interactions (usability 2) Implement mechanisms to standardise data preprocessing and labelling Data preprocessing pipeline, data labelling plugin
Implement an interface for using the AI model Application programming interface
Implement interfaces for explainable AI Visual explanations, heatmaps, feature importance bars
Implement mechanisms for user centred quality control of the AI results Visual quality control, uncertainty estimation
Implement mechanism for user feedback Feedback interface